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      1. HOME > FAQ > Terminology
        • Shear Strength

          Shear Strength is defined as the value of shear stress, which causes contiguous parts of a body to slide with respect to each other in a direction parallel to their plane of contact, reached when the material ruptures.

        • Compressive Strength

          Compressive Strength is defined as the value of uniaxial compressive stress reached when the materials fails completely. 
          Compressive Strength is a key mechanical parameter, representing the material’s ability to resist deformation under load.
        • Flexural Strength

          Flexural Strength is defined as the maximum stress the material will withstand in bending at the moment of rupture.

        • Tensile Strength

          The maximum tensile stress sustained by a plastic specimen before it fails in a tension (a pulling force) test.

        • Area Weight

          Area Weight is defined as the weight per unit area of tape or fabric. Typical units are g/cm2, g/m2, ounces/foot2, and ounces/yard2.

        • Combustible Content

          Combustible Content is defined as the percentage of combustible in a fiberglass product which is expressed by %. .

        • Moisture Content

          Moisture Content is defined as the percentage of water in a fiberglass product.

        • Breakage Strength

          Breakage strength refers to the point at which the specimen will break from applied stress.

        • Linear Density

          Liner density is defined in term of the weight per unit length. Its unit is tex, which is equal to the mass in grams of 1 km of yarn, filament, fiber or other textile strand.
        • Yield

          Yield is a measurement of the strand length per unit weight. Its units are yards/pound (ypp). 
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